Students of 'Applied Logistics' visit D'Arrigo Bros. Co. of California
On April 23rd, 2019, D'Arrigo Bros. Co. of California hosted the students of BUS 437 for a class tour showcasing the handling of produce at their warehouse. Mr. Jimmy Donangelo, Shipping Manager, explained the workings of products from inbound, receipts, cooling, warehouse, and finally onto outbound trucks. Students got to see the various cooling methods applicable to different products on site, including methods of moving products, tracking, and materials used in packaging and storage. 'Andyboy' is the brand label of D'Arrigo Brothers. The company employs anywhere from 1,500 to 1,800 employees, with approximately 200+ employees in the shipping, distribution, and logistics divisions alone.
Students were able to see various tools used in transportation and warehouse management, such as electronic appointments for truckloads, along with technology dedicated to the traceability initiative. Mr. Donangelo also shared the vision of growth in warehousing as a service to be a one-stop shop for the company's customers. It was fascinating to see the growth of the warehouse from a two-door loading dock in 1972, to today's modern facility with multiple loading docks and a loading time of fewer than two hours in most cases. At the end of the tour, Mr. John D'Arrigo (D'Arrigo Bros. Co.) shared his words of wisdom and encouragement with students, encouraging them to successfully pursue their degree at CSUMB in Agribusiness.

Mr. Jimmy Donangelo explaining the various aspects associated with receiving the products on site. He explained about traceability initiative, and cooling processes applied to various different types of products.

Cooling (before product enters warehouse)
Students gained valuable information about cooling the process for Andyboy's Brocolli Rabe pallets using ice injector. The ice is pushed into the products that was packed in cartons, stacked onto the pallets, through the machine, one pallet at a time.

Automated Cooling
Mr. Donangelo explaining the Modular Automated Cooling Systems (MACS) to students and its benefits associated for one of its customer's products.

Warehouse Management
First-in First-out (FIFO) warehouse management systems in action inside the warehouse at D'Arrigo brothers. Students got to see the benefits of it during the loading of the trucks.

Cooling Tunnel
Students observed one of the cooling tunnel used for cooling the product to storable temperature to enhance the product shelf life.

Loading Docks
Mr. Donangelo explained to the students about food safety and other measures taken into account while loading the product into the outbound trucks at the warehouse.