Dr. Shwadhin Sharma Studies Students' Cyberslacking Behavior
April, 2020 – Dr. Shwadhin Sharma, Associate Professor of Information Systems, has his article published in the International Journal of Information Management titled, "I want it my way: Using consumerism and neutralization theory to understand students’ cyberslacking behavior." In this study, Dr. Sharma examines the cyberslacking behavior of students in a classroom environment. An online survey of 303 students was conducted and the role of consumerism and neutralization were explored. Neutralization techniques were found to positively impact cyberslacking behavior. Consumerism impacted cyberslacking behavior by influencing neutralization. Read the abstract.
Shwadhin Sharma is an Associate Professor in the College of Business at California State University Monterey Bay. His research interests are in the areas of technical and behavioral aspects of consumption of technology and education. He actively pursues research areas such as privacy and security, electronic commerce and social commerce, big data analytics, the role of dispositional factors in IT, and IT adoption, and discontinuation. He has published his research in journals such as Journal of Computer Information Systems, Government Information Quarterly, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, and Computers & Security, and several academic conferences. He serves on the editorial board of two Journals and has served as a reviewer for several reputed journals and conferences. Dr. Sharma also serves as the Resource/Listserv chair for SIG Decision Support and Analytics (SIGDSA) group which is a reputed chapter with the Association of Information Systems. He has co-chaired a mini-track on “Social Network Analytics in Big Data Environment” in AMCIS 2016.