Dean Kamath appointed to advisory boards
Dean Shyam Kamath was recently appointed to the Corporate Council of LeaderJam, a Boston-based online leadership education and collaboration startup, and renewed on the Advisory Council of the Hope Collaborative in Boston, MA.
LeaderJam is a platform that provides a network of coaches to help organizations to access critical requirements for real, sustained and results-oriented leadership development. They provide the key to solving business challenges with context-driven live expert coaching sessions, collaborative tools, and smart content. Leaderjam enables organizations to promote a learning culture, agile teams, and productivity at the touch of a button through a cloud-based platform and approach.
Hope Collaborative is a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) organization that empowers disadvantaged youth with a proven set of leadership development workshops to vest them with a fighting chance. We do this by providing partner schools the technology and expert access they need to implement world-class distributed leadership and character-building programs.