College of Science

Study Discovers How Ocean Acidification Affects California Rockfish

Dr. Cheryl Logan alongside her collaborators (including students!) from CSUMB, Moss Landing Marine Labs of SJSU and UC Santa Cruz published a new study examining how ocean acidification may negatively affect some juvenile rockfish, a key marine prey base to the California ecosystem. The research, which suggests potential negative affects to the structure and function of marine ecosystems that support coastal fisheries and communities, was conducted in collaboration with researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Southwest Fisheries Science Center and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. This study is the first to examine a comprehensive suite of physiological, behavioral and genomic responses to ocean acidification in temperate fishes. Published in PLOS ONE, this paper is the first of several that will come out of this collaborative team funded by the National Science Foundation and California SeaGrant. Congrats Cheryl! Read more here.
