Associate Professor appointed to the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Commit
Corey Garza leading CSUMB student researchers at Catalina Island.
Associate professor Dr. Corey Garza was appointed to the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee for the American Geophysical Union (AGU). The committee promotes diversity and respect by facilitating organizational practices outlined in the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan.
AGU is a non-profit organization of geophysicists focused on the publication of scientific information related to the earth sciences. Founded in 1919, the organization is currently celebrating 100 years of serving the science community. AGU’s 62,000 members advocate for numerous interdisciplinary and international fields within geophysics, including hydrology, astrophysics, and even paleoceanography.
Dr. Corey Garza is an associate professor of Marine Science at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB). He has a passion for supporting students from underrepresented backgrounds. In 2017, Dr. Garza received the Inspiring Leaders in STEM award from INSIGHT into Diversity, a magazine that highlights the diversity and inclusion achievements of professors in higher education. His current work to support diversity and inclusion includes serving on the Board of Directors for The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
As a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee for AGU, Dr. Corey Garza will continue to embody CSUMB’s mission statement: “Substantive commitment to multilingual, multicultural, gender-equitable learning.”