Mathematics & Statistics seniors moderate keynote session at the 2018 Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference
On November 2, 2018 the CSUMB Mathematics & Statistics Department hosted an electronic viewing of the 2018 Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference (eUSR). The national conference is for undergraduate students interested in statistics and data science. Due to the enthusiastic participation of CSUMB students last year, national organizers offered the opportunity to Mathematics & Statistics seniors, Rosa Garza and Winifred Igbokwe, to moderate the keynote session with data scientist Hilary Parker from StitchFix.
Said Garza, “Being a moderator for the 2018 eUSR Conference and representing CSUMB was such an honor. As an aspiring data scientist, it was a memorable experience to be able to listen and talk with Hilary Parker, a data scientist, from StitchFix. I hope one day in the future when I am a data scientist, I can also be able to talk to students about my role at a company and advise them on their future academic and career goals.”
Igbokwe shared, “One thing I love about the eUSR conference is the keynote session because you get to hear really cool statisticians speak on how they got to where they are. This year I was honored to moderate that session and really excited that both moderators and keynote speaker were all females. The math/statistics major is one dominated by males and little things like this really make a difference. As college students, we sometimes feel like there is a time limit to be successful but hearing the keynote address on her pathway made me feel better that there is no rush for anything.”
Congratulations to both women on moderating the keynote session for the 2018 Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference (eUSR)!