College of Science

CSUMB Marine Science Featured in 'Critical Refuge' on CSU News

CSUMB's Department of Marine Science and Moss Landing Marine Labs (MLML) were recently featured on the California State University System News web page.

Mushroom soft coral grows on the ocean floor of a Monterey Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA).​

Through a project funded by the California Ocean Protection Council, faculty from CSUMB, MLML, and Humboldt State University are beginning long-term monitoring efforts to combine two decade's worth of historical underwater imagery and data to analyze overall ecosystem health across Marine Protected Areas (MPA).

Video imagery captures fundamental relationships between the animal and the environment that's not really captured by any other tool and is invaluable to understanding how these systems function. - Dr. James Lindholm, Department of Marine Science Chair

To read more about these efforts, check out Critical Refuge.