California Transportation Commission awards TAMC $10.3 million to begin building FORTAG
February 6, 2019
School of Natural Sciences professor, Dr. Fred Watson, along with Liberal Studies professor, Dr. Scott Waltz, have been working hard to turn their dreams of connecting campus and nearby seaside communities to Fort Ord National Monument a reality. The Fort Ord Rec Trail and Greenway (FORTAG) is a proposed trail that will encompass a 30-mile regional network of paved recreational trails, allowing community members to explore the green spaces of Marina and Seaside by foot, bike, or wheelchair.
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) currently serves as the lead agency for the environmental review process. Last week, the California Transportation Commission awarded TAMC $10.3 million to build the first segment of the trail, along Highway 218 in Del Rey Oaks.
This funding sparks the beginning of a truly incredible opportunity for the Monterey region. To read more about this achievement, check out the recent article in Monterey County Weekly.