College of Science Shared Governance
College of Science Bylaws
Committee Minutes
AY 2023-2024 Committees
- Simon Titen, Chair (Lecturer Representative: 1st of 3-y term)*
- Jimmy Guilinger (AES: 1st of 3-year term)
- JP Dundore-Arias (BIOC: 3rd of 3-y term)
- Jeffrey Wand (M&S: 1st of 3-y term)
- Cheryl Logan (MSCI: 3rd of 3-year term)*
- Amir Atta (SCD: 1st of 3-y term)
- Michelle Erickson (Staff: 2nd of 3-year term)
- Tom Horvath (ex officio)
- Christina Colmenero (ex officio)
- Miguel Lara, Chair (SCD: 2nd of 3-year term)*
- John Olson (AES: 1st of 3-year term)
- Corin Slown (BIOC: 2nd of 3-year term)
- Alison Lynch (M&S: 1st of 3-year term)*
- Sherry Palacios (MSCI: 3rd of 3-year term)
- Joanna Scorci (Staff: 1st of 3-year term)
- Michael Scott (ex officio)
- Arun Sharma, Chair (BIOC: 1st of 3-year term)
- Peri Shereen (M&S: 3rd of 3-year term)*
- Josh Gross (SCD: 1st of 3-year term)
- Lydia Baker (MSCI: 1st of 3-year term)
- Suzanne Worcester (AES: 1st of 3-year term)
- Gemma Resendiz (Ex Officio)
- Michael B. Scott (Chair)
- Aparna Sreenivasan
- Bude Su
- James Lindholm
- Jenny Duggan
- Lipika Deka
- Luis Cabrales
- Miguel Lara
- Seth Gustafson
- Shahidul Islam
- Simon Titen
- Susan Alexander
- Tom Horvath
- Shahidul Islam, Chair (SCD: 3rd of 3-year term)
- Fred Watson (AES: 1st of 3-year term)*, 2nd optional representative vacant
- Frank Macabenta (BIOC: 2nd of 3-year term)*
- Liz Alter (BIOC: 1st of 3-year term)*
- Steven Kim (M&S: 1st of 3-year term)* , 2nd optional representative vacant
- Salvador Jorgensen (MSCI: 1st of 3-year term)*, 2nd optional representative vacant
- Thang Bui (SCD: 1st of 3-year term)
- Carrie Bretz (Staff: 3rd of 3-year term)*
- Tom Horvath (Ex Officio)
- Michael B. Scott (Ex Officio)
- Jenny Duggan, Chair (AES: 2ND of 3-year term)*
- Crystal Gonsales-Samano (BIOC: 1st of 3-year term)*
- Jennifer Clinkenbeard (M&S: 1st of 3-year term)*
- Gerick Bergsma (MSCI: 1st of 3-year term)
- Nick Nechay (MSCI: 1st of 3-year term)
- Lindsey Brammell (SCD: 1st of 3-year term)
- Danitza Alvizar Fernandez (Inst Supp Tech)
- Mitch Reid (Ex Officio)
- Michael B. Scott (Ex Officio)
*Indicates second consecutive term