Campus Life

Campus Life

Information Campaign Team (ICT)

The mission of the ICT is to educate the campus community on what Student Union & Recreation Center buildings would look like physically, financially, and socially at CSUMB.

Through objective analysis, including statements both for and against the proposed fee, we will provide opportunities for members of the campus community to learn, ask questions, and provide feedback/input.

Alternative consultation report

Student Union Fee Alternative Consultation Report (Mar 2015)

  • Meet Your ICT Ambassadors  

    Ambassador requirements

    Curent CSUMB student who will be enrolled through Fall 2014

    Minimum 2.5 GPA

    Does not hold an officer or other position within the OSU


    Networking and meeting new people

    Experience for your résumé

    Building and/or improving upon communication, public speaking, and time management skills

    Opportunities to visit other campuses

    Become better connected to CSUMB

    Free t-shirt and other resources to help make the team successful

  • Tuition fees & campus mandatory fees (2013-14)

    The Tuition Fees & Campus Mandatory Fees (PDF below) is an overview of tuition and fees throughout the CSU system for 2013-14.

    CSU fee policy (EO 1054)

    Executive Order 1054 (PDF below) brings together the California State University Board policies that comprise the CSU Fee Policy. This includes the philosophical statement on fees and educational costs, adopted by the Trustees in March 1993, entitled “Policies for Pricing and Strategies for Paying” and the most recent Fee Policy statement approved in May 2010.

    The referenced items make up the overall strategic framework and guidelines for administration of CSU fees.

    Feasibility study phase I report

    Feasibility study phase II report

    Student union/recreation center forum powerpoint

    Below is a PDF copy of the PowerPoint being shared during forums to CSUMB students, staff & faculty.

    Additional information

    CSU Referendum and Alternative Consultation

  • Open forums

    Students (pizza & drinks provided)

    Monday, October 6, 12:15 pm, LIB 1180

    Wednesday, October 8, 6:30 pm, Student Center West Lounge

    Thursday, October 9, 8:00 pm, Black Box Cabaret

    Faculty & staff (coffee/tea & light refreshments provided)

    Wednesday, October 22, 10:30 am, Student Center West Lounge

    Thursday, October 23, 6:30 pm, UC Living Room

    Friday, October 24, 12:15 pm, Student Cetner West Lounge

    Targeted sessions

    Summer Bridge Program

    Friday, August 15, 9:30 am, LIB 1180

    Invited Staff (Presentation Feedback)

    Monday, August 18, 12:00 pm, Student Center West Lounge

    Student Housing & Residential Life RA's

    Monday, August 18, 5:30 pm, Student Center West Lounge

    Associated Students, Orientation Leaders, Student Recreation

    Tuesday, August 19, 10:00 am, UC Living Room

    MGC, ICC & SCC BOD's, OC3 Student Coordinators, OSU

    Tuesday, August 19, 2:00 pm, UC Living Room

    Multicultural Greek Council

    Wednesday, September 3, 8:15 pm, Student Center West Lounge

    Student Life Leadership

    Monday, September 9, 3:00 pm, Bldg. 8

    Black Box Cabaret Staff

    Saturday, September 13, 2:00 pm, BBC

    FYS Class: Prof. Snow

    Wednesday, September 17, 2:00 pm, LIB 2145 (announcement only)

    FYS Class: Prof. Takahashi

    Wednesday, September 24, 4:00 pm, Student Services Bldg #103

    Thursday, September 25, 4:00 PM, LIB 1170

    FYS Class: Prof. Gray

    Thursday, September 25, 3:00 pm, Student Services Bldg H103

    Thursday, September 25, 7:00 pm, Coast Hall #102

    FYS Class: Prof. Szecheter

    Friday, September 26, 10:00 am, Coast Hall #102

    FYS Class: Prof. Smedley

    Monday, September 29, 9:35 am, VPA #72 (announcement only)

    Student Life Leadership Team

    Monday, September 29, 3:00 pm, Sand Hall Conference Room

    Residential Housing Association

    Monday, September 29, 7:00 pm, Student Center #120

    FYS Class: Prof. Covarrubias

    Tuesday, September 30, 10:00 am, Location TBD (announcement only)

    Tuesday, September 30, 2:00 pm, Location TBD (announcement only)

    FYS Class: Prof. Provoost

    Monday, October 20, 6:00 pm, Bldg 86 C120

    Finalizing dates/times/locations

    SDR & Power Peer Educators

    Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)

    ICC Council

    SCC Council

    East Campus Residents

    Will be updated in the very near future and promoted via email, Otter Realm, fliers, and tabling.

  • CSUMB Students, Staff & Faculty are highly encouraged to complete the Student Union/Recreation Center Survey:

    Survey Link

    The survey will take approximately 5 minutes and can only be completed once.

    We appreciate your time and feedback. If you have additional questions and/or comments, please contact us at

    Thank you!

  • Why does CSUMB need the Student Union & student recreation facilities?

    Currently, there is limited space on campus for students to meet, gather, eat, work out and and study in-between classes. New Student Union and Recreation Center facilities will create welcoming and inclusive spaces for relaxation, fitness & leisure, social interaction, educational services and student employment opportunities.

    Where will the Student Union be located on campus?

    The current CSUMB master plan calls for the Student Union to be located on the corner of Divarty St. & Gen. Jim Moore Blvd. It is envisioned that the library and student union will be “bookend” buildings with the new Business & Information Technology Building & an additional academic/administrative building in between, creating a campus area for student/faculty interaction and campus life, bordered by a pedestrian walkway to the North and the Crescent area to the South.

    Where will the Student Recreation Center be located on campus?

    The current proposed location for the Student Recreation Center is off of 4th Ave by North Quad and the Student Recreation Field.

    What kinds of services and amenities will be in the Student Union?

    Traditional spaces found in a student union include: information desk, commuter lounge, meeting/conference rooms, event space, cultural centers, eateries (ex: Jamba Juice, Panda Express), vending alcoves (ex: ATM, Red Box, snacks, beverage), hangout space, meditation/prayer room, student organization space, computer & printer stations, student art, outdoor space, convenience store, game room, and more. Through this process, student feedback will be gathered to help shape potential amenities in a CSUMB student union.

    What kinds of services and amenities will be in the Recreation Center?

    Phase I of a Recreation Center could include: information desk & equipment check-out, indoor and outdoor multi-use courts (ex: basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, tennis, dodgeball), weight room, cardio area, group fitness class space (ex: yoga, Zumba), and locker rooms. Through this process, student feedback will be gathered to help shape potential amenities in a CSUMB student recreation center.

    Why build new facilities when we already have the Black Box, Student Center & Otter Sports Center?

    The campus has outgrown the BBC, Student Center & OSC; when CSUMB students passed a fee referendum in 2000, they did so with the expectation our enrollment would cap at 4500. Our Fall 2014 headcount is over 6000 and our projected cap has been adjusted to 13000 headcount in the year 2024.

    How will the campus pay for the Student Union and Recreation Center?

    A Student Union building cannot be constructed with the use of state funds. Thus, the main funding source must come from either student or private funding sources (donations). However, in order to break ground on the building, CSUMB must show a definite source of funding which is the Student Union Fee collected from students.

    Why are we using alternative consultation?

    Two methods are permitted for consideration of a new/increased student union fee. One is to conduct a referendum; the other is called Alternative Consultation. Because the proposed Student Union and Recreation Center is going to impact a broad array of constituents across the campus and community, it was determined that the Alternative Consultation process will provide the greatest opportunity for input.

    What if the results of alternative consultation do not support a fee increase?

    Using the Alternative Consultation process will help ensure the campus community is fully engaged in this decision. The president will review all feedback before making decisions related to student fee increases.

    When will the Student Union & Recreation Center open?

    It is estimated that the Student Union and Phase I of the Recreation Center could take 3 to 4 years to go through the state planning, design, and construction. This would put an anticipated opening sometime in the Fall of 2019. An ambitious design and construction schedule may result in one of the buildings opening in Fall 2018 or Spring 2019.

    Why build the Recreation Center in phases?

    Student feedback has indicated a strong desire for increased fitness and recreation facilities. Designing and building the entire recreation center would mean a substantial increase in construction costs, requiring increased student fees above and beyond those currently proposed. At least by building the first phase, most of the significant fitness and recreational needs of the growing student population will be met.

    Why should current students pay for a building they may never use?

    This is a challenging request. However, current students should take into consideration that the student fees and advocacy of their predecessors helped make the BBC, Sports Center Equipment and recreation field possible without requiring their financial contributions. The proposed investment in campus life would “pay it forward” for future Otters.

    Additionally, facility and service improvements will be sought to improve campus life before construction completion and discounted alumni memberships are planned for individuals who pay fees prior to building opening. Improving the campus and the quality of CSUMB improves the status of every degree earned at the University.

    How will increased fees affect my financial aid?

    Student union fees are classified as “Category II Fees” by the CSU. Category II fees are mandatory fees; all mandatory fees are covered by financial aid for eligible students. For example: If the proposed fees were implemented in Fall 2014, 80% of our students would not see a rise in their tuition as 100% of the fees would be covered by their financial aid.

    Will the facilities be environmentally friendly/sustainable?

    Student feedback, as well as the University vision for our campus, calls for building to be LEED certified. “LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. To receive LEED certification, building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification. Prerequisites and credits differ for each rating system, and teams choose the best fit for their project.”

    You can learn more about LEED certification here:

    What will happen with the BBC, Student Center & Otter Sports Center?

    This is yet to be determined, although the BBC will continue to be operated by students. Staff & student leaders will likely advocate for the Student Center to be utilized in a manner that serves the greatest student benefit. The Otter Sports Center will (likely) serve primarily Division II student-athletes and perhaps Kinesiology Labs with the Recreation Center fulfilling the recreational and fitness needs of the general student population.

    How can I voice my opinion/give feedback?

    Attending forums, completing the online survey, and/or emailing the ICT are the best ways to provide feedback and voice your opinion.

    Will the Student Union & Recreation Center facilities be accessible?

    Yes. Both facilities would meet and/or exceed the ADA Accessibility Guidelines. It is paramount to us that all CSUMB students, faculty, staff and guests are able to use these spaces.