PPS Credential
What is the PPSC?
Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPSC) issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing authorizes individuals to provide school services as school social workers, and/or school child welfare and attendance regulators. The PPS Credential is typically a requirement for employment as a school social worker in California K-12 public schools.
What will the PPSC in School Social Work allow me to do?
- Assess home, school, personal, and community factors that may affect a student’s learning.
- Identify and provide intervention strategies for children and their families, including counseling, case management, and crisis intervention.
- Consult with teachers, administrators, and other school staff regarding the social and emotional needs of students.
- Coordinate family, school, and community resources on behalf of students.
What will the add-on specialization in Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) allow me to do?
- Access appropriate services from both public and private providers, including law enforcement and social services.
- Provide staff development to school personnel regarding state and federal laws pertaining to due process and child welfare and attendance laws.
- Address school policies and procedures that inhibit academic success.
- Implement strategies to improve student attendance and participate in school-wide reform efforts.
- Promote understanding and appreciation of those factors that affect the attendance of culturally diverse student populations.
What is the PPS Credential Program looking for in candidates?
- Applicants must meet all MSW Program applicant requirements. In addition, PPSC applicants will be required to submit a statement of interest that documents experience (personal or professional) in K-12 schools that have influenced their decision to apply for the program. All applications are reviewed holistically. Application strength is based on your GPA, graduate-level writing ability, demonstration of social work professional values, experiences, and letters of reference.
What additional prerequisites are required by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing?
- The additional program requirements are:
- Fingerprint and background check at CSU Monterey Police Department or alternative Live Scan locations.
- Certificate of Clearance issued by the CTC.
- Verification of meeting required standards, which is done by completing required evaluations.
What does it take to earn the PPSC and CWA authorization? What classes do I need to take?
- MSW students who wish to also earn PPS Credential and the Child Welfare Attendance Credential must meet all the core requirements for the MSW degree and complete specific select electives in addition to a three-unit course for a total of 63 units.
Do PPSC candidates have specific field placement requirements?
- Yes, PPSC candidates typically need to have a second-year field placement in a school-based setting. Candidates must successfully complete 1,000 clock hours of field experience [combination of both first and second-year MSW field placements].
What is the job outlook of social workers?
- Social work is one of the fastest-growing areas of social work practice. The U.S. Department of Labor predicts a 19% growth rate for social workers between 2012 and 2022, faster than the average for all professions. In schools, more social workers will be needed to respond to rising student enrollments.
How do I apply?
- Applicants need to submit an online application via CalState Apply
What if I already earned an MSW degree? May I earn a PPS Credential in a post-masters program?
- Currently, CSUMB does not offer a post-masters PPSC program. Please check with the PPSC Program Coordinator at ssw@csumb.edu to learn of other ways to earn your PPS Credential.
Who should I contact for additional information?
- Please email the PPSC Program Coordinator at ssw@csumb.edu.