CAHSS Spotlight On Student Success Series
Join us for our new Spotlight on Student Success Series highlighting high-impact practices and innovations in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
Send your recommendations for the 2021-22 Spotlight on Student Success Series to cahssdean We'd love to hear from you!

Join us for our new Spotlight on Student Success Series highlighting high-impact practices and innovations in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
The brown bag event is free, all are welcome.
- Spring, 2021: A discussion on reduced-cost and zero-cost course materials and student success
Music and Performing Arts Assistant Professor Lanier Sammons joined School of Humanities and Communication Assistant Professor and Managing Editor of Writing Waves Kelly Medina-Lopez and Writing Waves student editor Stella Meadows for a discussion on reduced-cost and zero-cost student course materials and impact on student success.
CAHSS strives to make events accessible for all. For disability-related accommodations or additional information about the event, please contact, or 831-582-4189.
Spring, 2019: Culture, Society & Praxis and Pixar Partnership
Wednesday, April 24, Noon-2 pm, University Center 115 & 116
CAHSS shines the spotlight on two exciting projects: Culture, Society, and Praxis, an undergraduate student research journal housed in the School of Social, Behavioral, and Global Studies, and the Pixar Partnership, focusing on extensive efforts in the Cinematic Arts & Technology Department to partner with Pixar on student internships and career readiness as well as sharing Pixar's The Art of Storytelling.

For more photos from this event, visit our google photo album here:
More About Our Spotlight Guests:
Writing Waves is an undergraduate writing and research journal that is curated, edited, designed, and produced in-house by CSUMB HCOM majors. Published in a free, open-access format on CSUMB’s Digital Commons, Writing Waves features essays and creative pieces authored by students in CSUMB’s GE Area A2: Written Communication courses. The journal, which has a global readership and garners over 1,000 article downloads monthly, was developed and intended as a zero-cost course reader specifically for GE Area A2. As such, Writing Waves replaces the need for a traditional textbook, removing costly barriers to GE education, while also celebrating and centering CSUMB student voice and promoting a sense of belongingness on campus. Although intended for GE A2 students, Writing Waves has broad applicability across GE and beyond.
Founded in 2002, Culture, Society, and Praxis (CSP) is an online journal of undergraduate social scientific writing and artistic work. CSP's editorial board and authorship are composed entirely of undergraduate students, led by faculty advisor Amanda Pullum, Assistant Professor of Sociology, School of Social, Behavioral, and Global Studies.
CSP seeks to empower undergraduate students by creating a communal learning platform for the exploration of transformative ideas. CSP is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, and inclusive space for experimenting with provocative views. Learn more or read through some of the papers and articles.
Cinematic Arts & Technology's Silvia Turchin and Meghan O'Hara recently attended the Pixar Animation Studio's Story Development Education Summit. At the Education Summit, Turchin and O'Hara gained invaluable insights from Pixar including instruction based on The Art of Storytelling from Pixar in a Box, curriculum suggestions, interactive workshops, and a deep dive into the story development process. As they bring those new insights to their classes, they are also helping our students be better prepared for an opportunity to intern or work at Pixar.
We were excited to welcome Pixar University Relations Program Manager Beth Sasseen and Pixar Associate Editor Robert Grahamjones to campus in November, 2018. Read more about the event.
Thursday, November 29, 12:30-2pm, University Center Ballroom
CAHSS shines the spotlight on The Monterey Bay Justice Project: Working toward fair treatment for all within the criminal justice system.
We invite you to learn more about how our students are creating awareness of and advocating for change on issues of social injustice. Monterey Bay Justice Project students Jenna Ethridge and Maia Rodriguez will join School of Humanities and Communication Professor and Monterey Bay Justice Project Advisor Sam Robinson on a panel detailing their current work and provide some background on other projects, issues and impact, events, and accomplishments.
Monterey Bay Justice Project Panelists network following the event. For more photos, please visit our Google Photos Album: 2018-2019 Justice Project includes: Maia Rodriguez who created a short documentary on criminalizing the homeless, and photo essays on life after incarceration; Jenna Ethridge who explored sentencing for nonviolent crimes; and Sean Gladysz who explored issues related to crime in our federal and state parks, and the legalization of marijuana.
For more information about the Monterey Bay Justice Project, visit