College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Department of Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between the ADN-BSN and RN-BSN program?

    The ADN-BSN degree is done as a dual-enrollment while students are at the community college. Students complete year 1 and come in summer session 1, then continue to the BSN after graduating with the ADN degree and complete 3 more semesters.

    The RN-BSN is for students who currently have an RN license and want to earn their BSN degree. They can complete this in 12-15 months, depending on what GE courses need to be completed.

    If I have a RN license, can I earn a degree?

    Yes, the RN to BSN program results in a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) when the student finishes all required course work for this degree.

    View the RN to BSN Pathway Program

    How long will it take to complete the RN to BSN program?

    The full-time program is 12-15 months.

    The part-time program is 18 months.

    When are the courses offered?

    Courses are offered spring, summer, fall and winter semesters. The courses are hybrid, with one full synchronous day of instruction.

    Besides nursing courses, what other courses are a part of this program?

    In addition to the required nursing courses, students must meet the CSUMB graduation requirements for both lower/upper division education with other electives that are dependent on your individual transcript. These are clearly outlined in the university catalog or class schedule.

    Verify your situation with the Nursing Advisor by contacting Candi Prado at or 831-582-5303.

    How many times per year do you accept students into your BSN program?

    We accept students once per year starting in fall semester.

  • What if the community college I attend doesn't have an articulation agreement with CSUMB?

    If the community college does not have an articulation agreement on, please contact Candi Prado at

    How do I know if the classes I took at the community college are equivalent to the ones required at CSUMB?

    This can be clarified by making an appointment with the Nursing Advisor, Candi Prado at

  • What are the prerequisites for applying for the BSN program?


    • Overall GPA ≥ 2.75
    • Prerequisites GPA ≥ 2.75
    • Nursing Program GPA ≥ 3.0


    • Human Anatomy with lab
    • Human Physiology with lab
    • Microbiology with lab
    • Chemistry with/without lab (general, inorganic or integrated)
    • Statistics
    • Critical Thinking course
    • English 1A or equivalent (written communication)
    • Oral Communication
    • Pass NCLEX-RN licensing exam
    • Valid California RN License, or will earn a California RN license prior to last semester in the program.

    Where can I take prerequisites/requirements that I am still missing?

    Prerequisites can be taken at any community college. Articulation of courses can be checked at

    Are there any time limits of the prerequisite courses?

    We do not have time limits on the prerequisite courses.

    If I don't have all the prerequisite/graduation requirements, will the program take longer to complete?

    Yes, not having all general education courses or graduation requirements upon starting the program can delay graduation. However, these courses can be taken at a local community college while also being enrolled at CSUMB.

  • How do I apply to the program?

    Application to Nursing is through Cal State Apply:

    1. Admission to the university: Unless you are currently enrolled at CSUMB, you must apply for admission to the university at You must adhere to the posted deadlines for applying to the university. You will need to send a separate complete set of transcripts to the university of all the colleges you have attended.
    2. Admission to the Department of Nursing: This requires a second, supplementary application that is completed online through Cal State Apply.

    Can I apply if I already have a bachelor's degree?

    Yes, the nursing program accepts students who are seeking a second bachelor's degree. Second bachelor degree students would be excluded from all general education requirements, but would still need to complete all prerequisites for the major.

    When applying, fill out the graduate application instead of the undergraduate form.

    What is the difference between the unofficial and official transcript?

    Official Transcripts come directly from the university or college that the student attends. Students will have to pay for their official transcripts and it is sealed in an envelope. Once the official transcript is opened, it becomes unofficial.

    Unofficial Transcripts can usually be printed from the school/university website you attended or are currently attending.

  • Can I be admitted or conditionally admitted if I am in the process of taking certain required courses like the golden four?

    "Golden four" courses (A1-Oral communication, A2-Written communication, A3-Critical thinking and B4-College-level math) must be completed by fall admission.

    Once I am admitted to CSUMB, am I accepted into the nursing program?

    No, it is a two-step process. The university and the Department of Nursing will also have to accept you before you can begin the nursing program.

    If I do not get in, what happens to my application?

    Once you apply, your application becomes the property of the Department of Nursing. You may reapply as many times as you like, but will have to submit a new CSUMB application and update the nursing application.

  • What documents will I need when entering the program?

    Students in the nursing program must carry the following: university liability insurance, personal insurance, current RN license, and valid California driver's license.

    Will I have to pass a background check?

    Yes, nursing students must have a cleared background check that is acceptable to clinical agencies after acceptance to the Department of Nursing.

  • How do I know what is required before I can register?

    Students can check for any holds for vaccination record update, background check, or academic holds on your student account by logging into your Dashboard, then clicking on CMS before you register.

    Who can I contact about the registration process?

    For registration questions contact 831-582-5159.

For general information about applying, please contact the Nursing Program Office at or 831-582-5330.

Learn more about the BSN Program

Photo: Students in the nursing program wearing white coats and posing

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