Extended Education and International Programs

Education Abroad

Intercultural Chile: Spanish and Mapudungún at Universidad Viña del Mar

Intercultural Chile: Spanish and Mapudungún at Universidad Viña del Mar is part of the Education Abroad Virtual International Passport (VIP) Program offering for the summer of 2021. An interesting intercultural course taught in Spanish, that combines the learning of Spanish and Mapundungún. In the first 2 weeks, you will learn about Chilean Spanish, local and popular words and culture. The last week of the program you will have the opportunity to learn about the Mapuches, indigenous people in Chile, their culture and traditions, and also their official language: Mapudungún.

Application deadline

July 2, 2021

Virtual International Passport (VIP) Program

Program details

  • July 12-30, 2021 

    Application Deadline: July 2

    • Introduction to Chilean Spanish and Culture (A2)
    • Mapuche People and Mapudungún

    Course schedule: 14:30 - 16:30 (Chilean time)

    Credits: 0.5 US credits

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  • DescriptionCost
    Universidad Viña del Mar fee $135
    CSUMB Education Abroad fee Waived for CSUMB students participating in virtual programs