PSY Major Grace Quinowski Awarded Honorable Mention at 2023 Society for Personality Assessment Convention
2023 Society for Personality Assessment Convention
April 4, 2023
Psychology major Grace Quinowski received an Honorable Mention Award for her first-ever poster presented at the 2023 Society for Personality Assessment Convention held in Austin, Texas, over spring break. Grace is shown above, center, with mentor and co-presenter Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology Dr. Danielle Burchett, left, and Nathan Victoria, CAE, Executive Director of the Society for Personality Assessment. The poster presentation topic: Examining the Initial Elevation Phenomenon with MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF Items Administered in a Forensic Inpatient Setting.
The Society for Personality Assessment's mission is to advance the evidence-based practice and impact of personality assessment through research, education, training, and advocacy. They are the largest organization in the world focused exclusively on the advancement of the practice, science, and impact of the field of personality assessment. Membership is varied and includes clinicians in private practice, forensic assessors, researchers in private and public settings, undergraduate and graduate students interested in the subject matter, and educators in academic settings.