College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Applications for the 2024 Debbie Juran Beyond Tomorrow Awards are Now Being Accepted

September 13, 2024

Applications are now being accepted through October 21 for the 2024 Debbie Juran Beyond Tomorrow Awards.  Are you in need of financial support to help with your academic goals, internships, research presentations, or job interviews? If so, please consider applying for our Debbie Juran “Beyond Tomorrow” Awards. You can apply for up to $1,000. 


  • CAHSS major student (any one of our 11 majors)
  • In good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Prepare a statement (maximum 500 words) on how you would use the funds to further your academic and/or career goals. Give specific examples (see “How can you use the funds?” below for suggestions). Itemize your budget (list your anticipated expenses and the corresponding amounts—reasonable estimates are OK).
  • If awarded, students must submit a thank you letter/note and agree to participate in a photo and meet-and-greet with the donor.

How can you use the funds?

Use your statement to make the connection between the funds and your academic and/or career goals. In the past, successful applicants have proposed using the funds in a variety of ways, including to cover the costs of attending/participating in conferences; purchasing supplies and equipment for their research and academic projects; preparing and paying for graduate exams including the GRE, LSAT, and MCAT; and purchasing professional clothing for internships and interviews. 

Want more information?

There will be an optional information session for interested students on Friday, October 4, 1:00-1:30 PM, in CAHSS 504-1204. A Zoom option will be available. Please RSVP here. Attendance at this information session is encouraged, but not required.

How do I apply?

Apply by completing the Google form here The deadline to apply is Monday, October 21, 5:00 PM. Awardees will be notified in early November. 

Best of Luck!