College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

CAHSS Dean's Student Advisory Council: Meet & Greet/Drop In Conversations

In spring 2022, the CAHSS Dean's Student Advisory Council was created as a way for our students to regularly connect with the Office of the Dean and share experiences, voice concerns, and be actively involved with our college.  It provides a group forum for feedback, insight, support, and discussions around CAHSS events, classes, and opportunities.  Interim Dean Hussar meets regularly with the group throughout the academic year.

Interested in joining the CAHSS Dean's Student Advisory Council?  Fill out this brief google form and we'll be sure to invite you to the next meeting to learn more!  

Join us for the next meeting of this academic year on Tuesday, November 19, 2-3 pm, CAHSS 504-1001 Dean's Suite Conference RoomAll CAHSS Majors: We will be holding our next drop-in gathering. Our format is an open forum, and we would like to hear about your experiences in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. We encourage you to bring questions, concerns, and ideas for future student events-our Interim Dean James Hussar wants to hear directly from YOU! Snacks will be provided, so please do RSVP via MyRaft