Academic III-CAHSS Groundbreaking
President Eduardo Ochoa, Dean Ilene Feinman and Associate Dean Andrew Drummond led the groundbreaking ceremony for "Academic III"-the new home for the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, set to open in Fall, 2019. Building highlights include an outdoor amphitheater, 200-seat film classroom, an art gallery, and specialized lab spaces for language learning, oral history, anthropology, and archaeology.
University Administration together with Dean Ilene Feinman and Associate Dean Andrew Drummond welcomed students, alumni, faculty, staff, and the Mayors of Sand City and Del Ray Oaks for a program prior to the groundbreaking ceremony on the site of the new building. Construction is underway, with the opening scheduled for Fall Semester of 2019.
Please visit our Academic III Building webpage for full details and for more information about the building and department spaces moving to the new location.