Consumer Information
- Contact Information
- Transfer Policies at CSU Campuses
- Vaccination Policy
- Drug Law Violations
- Student Body Diversity
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
- Types of Graduate and Professional Education
- Textbook Information
- Class Schedule (links to required textbooks within each course)
- Acceptable Use
- Missing Person Procedures
- Emergency Response Evacuation Procedures
- Crime Log
- Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions
- Academic Programs
- School Cost
- Withdrawal procedures, refunds, and return of aid
- Accreditation
- Disability Services
- Net Price Calculator
- Retention and Graduation
- Job Placement and Post-Graduate Study
- Annual Security Report
- Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act
- Study Abroad
- Loan information
- Discrimination/Harassment/Title IX
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Faculty and Instructional Staff
- Students Rights and Responsibilities
- Gainful Employment
- Rates to IPEDS
- Fire Log
- Student Activities
- The College Financing Plan
- Post Graduate Studies
- CSUMB Annual Disclosure Statement
Selected Resources on the Internet
- Cal State Apply: This site provides campus links, campus tours, electronic admission, loan information, and student support.
- This site provides online access to apply for financial aid (FAFSA on line). This site provides students with information about lifetime limits for loans and federal grants.
- Chancellor's Office : This site provides campus links, electronic admission, the Chancellor's office, and much more information pertaining to the CSU system.
- Cal Grants : This site is CSAC's official site (California Student Aid Commission). Provides information on State aid such as Cal Grants and the APPLE programs.
- The Constitution and Citizenship Day Law: This Federal Law requires all educational institutions that receive federal funding to implement an educational program to recognize the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and honor those who have become U.S. Citizens. The program occurs on Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (September 17) each year. The U.S. Department of Education provides additional resources.