Learning outcomes visibility resources
From 2016 - 2019 CSUMB participated in the WSCUC Community of Practice for Advancing Outcomes Visibility. One of the outcomes of this project was "to develop a curated collection of accreditation process resources, including exemplars and learning guides, for the WSCUC region -- and nationally -- around aligning and assessing student learning outcomes per the Standards or Accreditation, the visibility of evidence, and using evidence for improvement." This page contains information about the following four deliverables produced by CSUMB's project, "Assessment and Constructive Alignment for Improving Achievement of the Core Competencies." and links to resources:
- A protocol for engaging faculty in assessment of institutional learning outcomes and generating actionable results
- Assignment guides, rubrics, and rubric guides educators can use to increase student achievement of learning outcomes in the core competencies; personal, professional, and social responsibility, integrative learning, and specialized knowledge
- Interrelated curricular for professional development that increases educators expertise in facilitating student learning
- Assessment results