Test Center

Online Studying Masterlist

Finals are coming and now is a great time to start to get prepared. But do you know how to study in a way that works for you? The Test Center has found a few resources for you to help you on your study journey and kick butt this finals season!!

Tips for Surviving Finals Week

This blog post has seven doable tips for not just surviving but THRIVING during finals week from the perspective of college student.

Northwestern's Online Learning Community

Northwestern has a ton of valuable resources for success in online classes. We recommend a couple of pages in particular:

How to succeed during the pandemic

In a STEM major? The American Chemical Society's student arm has got you! Check out:

When in doubt, check Reddit

Believe it or not, but Reddit has some truly excellent resources for studying advice from both students and instructors. We especially like:

  • r/Study for a pretty active community about studying tips, advice, commiseration and more.
  • r/College is great for all sorts of help during your college years, from study tips to general advice.
  • this r/AskReddit thread about studying has a TON of different methods from all sorts of people.