Sponsored Programs Office

Find Funding

The Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) is dedicated to supporting eligible faculty and staff to search for and acquire PUBLIC funding for discovery, creation and integration of research, scholarship, and student success programs.

To do this, SPO offers a variety of resources to identify funding for your projects.

  1. Funding Opportunity Search Engines
  2. Funding Opportunity Notices Blog
  3. CSU Affinity Groups and Grants.gov
  4. Internal Funding Opportunities
  5. Customized Funding Opportunity Search Services

What's public funding?

Funding that originates from a government (federal, state, county, city) or pass-through funding from a government is considered public funding.

Who handles private funding?

University Development Services staff supports searching for gift or grant funding that originates from a private-sector source such as corporations and charitable or philanthropic organizations.

Eligible PIs and their support staff may access CSUMB’s funding opportunity search engines from any computer on campus.

Log in to Pivot

You must be on campus to log onto Pivot. Pivot only recognizes IP addresses belonging to CSUMB.

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