Health Scholars Program
Inspiring and supporting talented undergraduate college students from historically marginalized backgrounds by creating innovative approaches to student development, health career preparation, and wellness in the Monterey Bay area. (Holistic Approach)
- Build Next Generation of Diverse Health Leaders and Professionals
- Contribute to economic development
- Offer resources and assistance to help prepare students to become competitive applicants
- Prepare students for clinical and non-clinical careers in public health
- Increase more students to enter successfully into graduate schools for their specific health professions.
- Connect talented local students to area health employers throughout their educational journey and back from employment to ensure student success and contribute to local employer health workforce and diversity needs.
- Decrease barriers for students from marginalized backgrounds: cost of education, lack of academic preparation (e.g. tutoring), admissions requirements (e.g. testing, gpa, access to prereq classes, etc.), lack of concordant mentors, stereotype threat
- Increase retention and graduation rates for marginalized students in the Health Science majors
- Increase more students from this population to become leaders and powerful agents of change in the health industries and return to serve in local communities
- Increase the number of minorities in the healthcare field and in their communities and students with relevant language capabilities, cultural knowledge and community experience.
- Health Careers Exploration (Health Career Connection)
- Professional, career and leadership Development (Health Career Connection)
- Wellness Support and Psycho-social intervention (CSUMB)
- Academic Support and Enrichment (CSUMB)
- Sophomores or Juniors
- Leaders or those with potential for leadership
- Students from marginalized backgrounds
- Letter of Recommendation from professors (required) and employers (if applicable)
- Committed to excellence
- G.P.A. of 2.5 minimum
- College of Health Science and Human Services- Provides in-kind and fiscal support including but not limited to relative science-oriented workshops and career pathway workshops
- College of Science- Provides in-kind and fiscal support including but not limited to relative science-oriented workshops, career pathway workshops and graduate school field trips
- Educational Opportunity Program- Provides holistic advising and a pool of potential students
- Personal Growth Counseling Center- Provides emotional support
- Student Success Center- Provides academic support and graduation guidance
- Office of Inclusive Excellence- Provides equity direction and fiscal support
- Cooperative Learning Center- Provides academic and learning style support
- Provides guidance and direction for the program; additionally provides fiscal opportunities
- Health Career Connection:
- Provides a comprehensive Monterey Bay summer health internship program for college students including; 10 week, full time placements, student preparation, professional, career and leadership development workshops and networking with health professionals and HCC alumni.
- Hartnell College:
- Provides assistance with recruitment of summer interns, from Hartnell and the Salinas Valley Health Professions Pathway Partnership, and with recruitment of internships from participating employers and provides students with exposure to allied health and nursing careers.
Monterey Bay Economic Partnership: - Provides promotion of the program to workforce and healthcare members
Previous Scholars (21-22 Cohort)

Trozalla Smith, Sophomore, Collaborative Health and Human Services with a concentration in Social Work

Ali Alkhalwdy, Sophomore, Biology major Molecular Concentration

Gina Marie Guzman, 4th Year Kinesiology major; Exercise science and Psychology concentration

Onaje Givan, Sophomore, Kinesiology Major

Guillermina Martinez, 4th Year, Collaborative Health & Human Services, Social Work concentration
Previous Scholars (20-21 Cohort)

Mayra Ortiz, Senior, Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry

Jaspreet Klair, 3rd year, Major: Molecular Biology

Rebecca Beasley, Senior, Major: Collaboration Health & Human Services w/ concentration in Social work Minor: Human Development

Tasha Adams, 3rd year, Major: Biomolecular /Medical Sciences
Previous Scholars (19-20 Cohort)
Lissa received the 2020 Outstanding Future Alumni Award and the Deans Medalist for the College of Health and Human Services. Additionally, she graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Lissa Alaniz, Graduate 2020, Major: Collaboration Health & Human Services

Jessica Guzman, 3rd year, Major: Molecular Biology