Parking Services
Accessible Parking
To park in an accessible parking space a valid DMV-issued disabled placard or a disabled person/disabled veteran license plate AND a valid CSUMB parking permit are required.
Two required items you need to park in a CSUMB ADA parking spaces
- State placard or ADA plate
- CSUMB Parking Permit

With these two items, you may also park without regard to the time limit:
• At a green curb
• In visitor parking
• At a metered space without paying a parking meter fee
You may not park:
• In spaces marked with a crosshatched pattern
• At red curbs, yellow curbs (commercial vehicles only), or white curbs
(passenger loading/unloading only – the driver must remain with the vehicle at all
Important: Your disabled person parking placard or plate may only be used by you. Never loan your placard to another person or alter a placard or placard identification card.
Required identification
All persons displaying a disabled person placard or disabled person/disabled veteran license plate must have their DMV-issued disabled person/disabled veteran ID card and state-issued photo ID in their possession at all times. These cards must be presented upon request by Parking Services or a Police Officer for verification. (22511.5, 22511.55, 22511.6 CVC)
Apply for a disabled person placard
To apply for a temporary or permanent disabled person placard visit or call 1-800-777-0133 to obtain a form (Reg 195) for a parking placard or special plates. Qualified persons (295.5 CVC) may apply by mail or in person at a DMV field office.
Additional Information
Students: Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC)
Staff and faculty: Human Resources