Otter Student Union

Late Night with OSU

Get ready for an epic night of free fun and making new friends before classes kick off. Join us for an unforgettable Late Night with OSU, where all three floors come alive with excitement! Explore the incredible features of the Otter Student Union building, indulge in free food, groove to awesome music, and engage in interactive events that will keep you entertained. This is one of our biggest events of the year, so get ready to stay up until midnight and have a blast before the fall semester starts!

Can you handle the late-night adventure?

August 23, 2024
8:00pm 12:00am
Otter Student Union

Our Sustainable Practices for a Greener Event:

  1. BYO Water Bottle: Help us reduce plastic waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle. Water refill stations are available in the OSU for your convenience.

  2. Sort Your Waste: Let's make a positive impact on the environment together! Utilize our 3-stream waste bins, clearly labeled for compostable, recyclable, and trash items.

  3. Go Green with Transportation: Reduce carbon emissions by considering alternative transportation options such as biking, carpooling, or utilizing The Wave service.

Let's make this event eco-friendly and leave a lasting positive impact on our planet!