
Daniel Fernandez

Professor in the Department of Applied Environmental Science

Highest degree
PhD in Electrical Engineering


Fog and fog water collection, physics, infrastructure, systems and sustainability

Relevant bio 

Dr. Daniel M. Fernandez received all of his degrees in Electrical Engineering, with his BSEE from Purdue University in 1987, his MSEE from Stanford in 1988 and his Ph.D. from Stanford in 1993.  He has been a professor at CSUMB since 1996. He teaches physics and classes in sustainability, systems thinking, infrastructure, and Environmental Studies capstone.

He has developed and runs the Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) at CSUMB, which partners the needs of regional governing bodies with relevant class projects across campus. He also served on the steering committee of the California Higher Education Sustainability Committee (CHESC). He was the recipient of the President’s Medal for outstanding service to the university in 2012. 

His research involves the collection of water from fog and he has deployed and maintains a network of nearly 50 standard fog collecting devices from central to northern California.  Within the foggy region of Monterey where he lives and works, there are over 30 of these instruments that are being used to examine spatial variability of fog over small scales and to establish a long-term record of fog measurements along California’s central coast. He has presented his work in both English and Spanish.


Cell phone: 831 236-4987
Office phone: 831 582-3786
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