
Cathi Draper Rodriguez

Professor and Coordinator of the MS School Psychology Program, Director of the Clinic for Educational Support, Director of Project REACH

Highest degree
PhD in Special Education/School Psychology, Licensed Educational Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist


School psychology, multi-tiered systems of support, assessment of multilingual learners

Relevant bio 

Dr. Cathi Draper Rodriguez, NCSP, LEP, is a School Psychology Professor and Program Coordinator. She is currently Project Director for two federally funded grants, Project REACH ($6 million with a focus on school-based mental health outcomes) and MAESTROs ($3 million with a focus on improving the teacher pipeline, with a focus on Latinx and low income candidates). Prior to her work in higher education, Dr. Draper Rodriguez worked as a bilingual school psychologist and also worked as an early interventionist providing services to young Latina mothers in their homes. She has focused her research on the appropriate identification of disabilities in Emergent Bilinguals, School Success for At-Risk Youth, Assessment in Education and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.


Office phone: 831-582-3652
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