Infographic of results from 2016 CSUMB Experience Study. 73% of responding students are satisfied or very satisfied with the overall CSUMB experience. 81% are confident that they will complete their undergraduate studies at CSUMB. 66% are satisfied or very satisfied with CSUMB's overall commitment to students. 73% would recommend CSUMB to prospective students. 71% would definitely or probably choose to attend CSUMB if making the college choice over again. 59% are satisfied or very satisfied with the sense of community or belonging on campus. 75% are satisfied with the friendliness of people on campus since enrolling at CSUMB. 73% are satisfied or very satisfied with tolerance of different viewpoints at CSUMB. 67% are satisfied or very satisfied with the diversity of CSUMB's student body. 76% are satisfied or very satisfied with support or helpfulness from fellow students at CSUMB. 70% are satisfied or very satisfied with CSUMB's commitment to sustainability. 77% are satisfied or very satisfied with academic programs and majors since enrolling at CSUMB. 64% are satisfied or very satisfied with Academic Advising Services. 74% are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of teaching in courses in their major since enrolling at CSUMB. 81% are satisfied or very satisfied with library resources. 65% are satisfied or very satisfied with CSUMB's academic reputation since enrolling. 70% are satisfied or very satisfied with tutoring services at the Cooperative Learning Center. The response rate was 53% (n = 3,548) of CSUMB’s undergraduate students participated in the study by responding to at least part of the survey. Percentages were calculate excluding "Not applicable/No basis to judge" response from the total. View more detailed results online: Institutional Assessment & Research, 100 Campus Center, Seaside, CA 93955-8001.