Facilities Management


photo of a building on campus

Stadium Expanded Use EIR NOP Meeting Notice

CSUMB is initiating a CEQA analysis into expanding uses of the campus Stadium, including number of events and support facilities. A Notice of Preparation meeting will be held on campus in early March which will outline the study parameters. 

NOP_CSUMB Stadium Expanded Use Project

Notice of Preparation Meeting Slides 3/12/25 CSUMB Stadium Expanded Use

Notice of Preparation Meeting Zoom Recording 3/12/25

Building 29 Fitness Center CEQA Notice of Exemption

Building 44, Pacific Hall, will be renovated to support the faculty, staff and incoming enrollment for the Mechatronics program. The project will renovate interior and exterior space including improvements to accessible path of travel as well as renovations to restrooms, offices, administrative and teaching spaces.

Building 29 Fitness Center CEQA Notice of Exemption

Building 44 Mechatronics Notice of Exemption

The former bookstore at Building 29, University Center, will be renovated into an interim fitness center to include space for cardio and weight-lifting equipment as well as the addition of restrooms featuring showers and changing areas.

Building 44 Mechatronics Notice of Exemption

PG&E Gas Distribution System Capacity and Reliability Project

PG&E will replace gas line mains and distribution lines through courts in Schoonover Park I.

Notice of Exemption

Biological Resources Report

Attachment A_CEQA Supporting Documentation


PG&E Electrical Conduit Improvements - Trenton Court

PG&E will be installing replacement electrical conduit underground behind residences on Trenton Court.

Notice of Exemption

Biological Assessment Report

PG&E's Replace Insulators

PG&E's Project to Replace Insulators along the Moss Landing-Del Monte #1 and #2 kV Electric Transmission Lines in East Campus Open Space.

PG&E Insulator Replacement Notice of Exemption

CSU Monterey Bay Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)

Notice of Availability

Complete Final EIR Documents 

Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan