Education Abroad

Embark on your study abroad journey!
Education Abroad at CSUMB offers an extraordinary opportunity to expand your horizons, gain fresh perspectives, learn in new academic contexts, boost your resume, learn a foreign language, meet fascinating people, and challenge yourself in ways you never imagined.
The Education Abroad team believes every student deserves this transformative experience. That’s why we offer a wide range of programs across 20+ countries, suited to meet the needs of our diverse student community. So take a look around and find a program that’s perfect for you.
Join the Education Abroad group in MyRaft to register for Education Abroad 101 information sessions, workshops, and events throughout the semester. Keep in mind that deadlines and application procedures vary by program, so be sure to stay informed and plan ahead.
Program offerings
Semester and year-long programs offer CSUMB students the opportunity to study abroad or away for one semester or an entire academic year. Students can choose from direct exchange programs, CSU International Programs (CSUIP), National Student Exchange (NSE), or fee-paying study abroad programs.
Direct Exchange Programs: In these programs, students immerse themselves in the academic environment of one of CSUMB’s partner universities while continuing to pay their regular tuition and fees to CSUMB. The chance of placement in this type of program is high, as long as you submit your application on time and meet the program requirements.
CSU International Programs (CSUIP): These programs are offered through the Chancellor's Office and are available to all students in the 23 CSU campuses. Students participating in CSUIP pay tuition and fees directly to the Chancellor’s office. This option provides a structured international experience while managing financial transactions through the CSU system. The chances of placement vary by program and we highly encourage students to apply by their priority deadline.
National Student Exchange (NSE): CSUMB is a member campus of the NSE consortium which allows students to study away throughout the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Depending on the program, tuition and fees might be payable to either CSUMB or the host institution. The chances of placement vary by program.
Importantly, financial aid can be used for direct exchange, CSUIP, and NSE programs, providing essential support for students pursuing their academic goals beyond CSUMB’s campus.
Fee-Paying Study Abroad Programs: These programs require students to pay tuition, fees, and housing directly to their host institution. Although financial aid isn’t available for these programs, many students find the benefits—including academic and professional growth and personal development—make the investment worthwhile.
Short-term programs offer CSUMB students the opportunity to study abroad for a brief period, ranging from 1 to 8 weeks, while earning CSUMB credit. These programs typically take place in the Summer, Winter, or during standard semester breaks. It’s a perfect way to get a "taste" for Education Abroad that will leave you wanting more!

Andrea Ultreras, Computer Science - South Korea

Erin Batura, Cinematic Arts & Technology - Australia

Megan Smith, Humanities & Communications - Scotland

Mallory Buckholz, Psychology - United Kingdom

Malia Balas, Human Development & Family Studies - Japan

Brisa Salcedo Nuno, Business Administration - Spain
Contact Education Abroad
Phone: (831) 582-4211
Email: Send an email
Building: Gavilan Hall, Building 201, Suite 207
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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