How do I apply for an on-campus job?
Each department chooses its own application process, which will be indicated in their OtterJobs posting.
How will I know if I am selected?
The department will call those applicants they want to interview. If you are interviewed and selected, the department will typically notify you by phone.
How can I find off-campus job openings?
You can use OtterJobs as a source for Off-Campus Employment as well as other platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed and a company's website. We strongly recommend networking to explore the job market. Using LinkedIn and connecting with your Career Advisor, your professors and other professionals can lead to opportunities you haven't discovered.
Will I need to pay for career services?
No. There are no charges for services offered by the Career Development Office (CDO) to current CSU students. Call 831-582-3845 to schedule an appointment.
Is there a way for a recently admitted student to search for on campus jobs before arriving at CSUMB?
Yes, all of our on and off campus jobs are posted on OtterJobs, which can be used anywhere you have internet access. Typically new students are assigned OtterJobs passwords a month before the semester starts.
How likely is it for incoming freshman to get an on-campus job?
Many departments choose to hire "seasoned" college students which requires freshmen to be more resourceful in their job search. The career advisors can assist freshmen with helpful pointers that will aid them in finding a job.
Will I need a car to be able to hold a job?
Not necessarily. Most on-campus jobs are within walking distance of the residential halls. Off-campus positions may be accessible through Monterey-Salinas Transit(MST), which CSUMB students can ride for free.
How do I qualify for work-study employment?
Qualifications will be stated on your Financial Aid award letter. If your award letter does not specify work-study, you are still eligible for regular on-campus jobs. Questions about work-study should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
How many hours can I work on-campus?
The policy of the California State University system to allow students to work no more than 20 hours per week while taking classes. This promotes a healthy balance of study and work time leading to a successful academic career while at CSUMB.
Do campus departments work around students' schedules?
I don't know how to write a resume. Is there assistance for this?
Yes, Students can schedule an appointment with a career advisor for help with writing a resume by calling 831-582-3845, or learn to make an appointment through their student portal.