Employer Services

The Career Development Office welcomes employers the opportunity to connect with students and alumni from all majors and diverse backgrounds. We are committed to developing partnerships with your company and invite you to meet with our team members to discuss your specific recruitment needs. We offer a variety of services and programs for you to get involved and employ our CSUMB Otters. Use the Employers tab for a dropdown menu of our employer services.
Mailing Server List
To be updated with upcoming recruiting events, career development updates and changes, and other critical information related to employer services at California State University, Monterey Bay. Please click here, to be added to our mailing server list.
Employers must meet the following standards in order to recruit students and alumni on campus and through the Career Development office.
- Employers/individuals must abide by employer standards of ethical conduct established by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
- Employers/individuals will offer employment/entrepreneurial opportunities that pay a base salary equal to or greater than a minimum wage in compliance with city/county/state/federal labor laws and ordinances. This base salary must take the form of a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly wage, comprised of a set hourly, weekly, or monthly rate.
- Compensation will not be commission-only, nor require prospective employees to purchase products/services contingent upon their employment with, or on behalf of that company/individual.
- Employment/entrepreneurial opportunities will not be based on a "pyramid" or "multi-level" type networking structure requiring or encouraging the recruitment of others who recruit others, etc. to sell products or services.
Jobs for Academic Credit
CSUMB students arrange internships for credit directly with their academic departments.
Contact Career Development
(831) 582-3845
Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library