Undocu-Success Center

Undocu-Success Center Banner


                                                                             UNDOCU-SUCCESS CENTER

We value the diversity our students bring and we strive to provide an all inclusive environment for all students. Our Mission is to empower scholars who are undocumented of all ethnicities and nationalities in their educational pursuits and foster a supportive campus community dedicated to achieving their educational and personal goals. Undocumented students have a safe space at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Whether you are thinking about applying to California State University, Monterey Bay or you are already a student here, we have a variety of programs and resources – from academic and personal counseling to financial aid and career education – that can help you transition to the university and to succeed.


Valoramos la diversidad que aportan nuestros estudiantes y nos esforzamos por brindar un entorno inclusivo para todos los estudiantes. Nuestra misión es empoderar a los estudiantes indocumentados de todas las etnias y nacionalidades en sus actividades educativas. Fomentar una comunidad universitaria solidaria dedicada a lograr sus objetivos educativos y personales. Los estudiantes indocumentados tienen un espacio seguro en la Universidad Estatal de California, Monterey Bay.

Ya sea que esté pensando en postularse para la Universidad Estatal de California, Monterey Bay o si ya es estudiante aquí. Tenemos una variedad de programas y recursos, desde asesoramiento académico, ayuda personal financiera y educación profesional. Lo cual pueden ayudarlo en la transición a la universidad para tener éxito.


No Mountain Too High

Undocu-Success Graduate Picture


"We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community - and this nation.”

Cesar Chavez


Empowering Undocumented Students Seeking Higher Education



The California State University (CSU) is committed to supporting the academic, personal and professional goals of undocumented students through the establishment of Dream Resource Centers (DRCs) on many CSU campuses.

No River Too Wide To Cross

“Education Is The Passport To The Future, For Tomorrow Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It Today.”

– Malcolm X

Congratulations to the staff, faculty, and administrators who completed the Summer 2020 Virtual UndocuAlly Training. As we continue to build awareness and make our campus more inclusive we appreciate those who participate in our training to empower our CSUMB undocumented students. Make Sure to RSVP to our Fall 2020 Virtual UndocuAlly Training!

Contact Undocu-Success Support 

Phone: (831) 582-5414

Email: undocusuccess@csumb.edu

Building: Student Services Building 47 Room 120

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM -4:00 PM

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Virtual Appointments and Drop-In Hours

Undocu-Success Support Program offers virtual one-on-one appointments. Appointment hours are open for those with questions or concerns that relate to immigration status, financial aid, mental health resources, community resources, and more. Please email undocusuccess@csumb.edu to schedule an appointment.

At the moment, we are not hosting drop-in hours.

Note: The Undocu-Success Center will not have drop-in hours when the campus is closed for holidays.