
¡Verde! Newsletter

verde newsleader header

Verde is a bi-monthly sustainability newsletter that highlights all the sustainability efforts happening on campus. The name was chosen to represent the connection between environmental sustainability and social sustainability, since verde means "green" in the Spanish language.

Newsletter Archives

2018 Archives

2017 Archives

October 3rd, 2017

May 9th, 2017

2016 Archives

Events and Opportunities Submissions

Have a sustainability event or opportunity that you want highlighted on Verde? The sustainability newsletter is a great way to get the word out about sustainable internships, jobs, events, and clubs on campus. Since Verde is a newsletter about what all organizations on campus are doing in regards to sustainability, submissions are open to anyone, including students, staff, faculty, and the community.

Email Submissions:

Green Team Meetings - Featured on Verde
Sustainability Champion April 2017 - Robert Banales

Do you know someone on campus who deserves to be highlighted on Verde as a Sustainability Champion? Email nominations to:

Sustainability Champion Nominations

The sustainability champion is a student, staff/faculty member, or community member on campus who has shown a dedication for living a sustainable lifestyle. If you're selected as the champion, an interview will be conducted and featured on Verde to inspire others to follow in your footsteps. If you feel that you're a fit candidate, you may nominate yourself!

Sustainable Champion Criteria:

  • 18 years or older
  • Affiliated with CSUMB currently (No alumni)
  • Person shows dedication to sustainability in some way
  • No organizations or advertisements
  • Selected candidate must be available for recorded interview
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