Find out what you can recycle or compost on campus
Please place all recyclable materials together in your blue recyclables container.
METAL: Empty and rinse food and product containers.
- Aerosol cans (empty and non-hazardous)
- Aluminum foil, foil trays and pans (clean)
- Aluminum pie pans
- Beverage and soda cans
- Can lids - metal
- Car ports - small (no fluids)
- Doors and screens*
- Electrical motors
- Food and soup cans
- Furniture* (e.g. chairs, tables)
- Hangers - metal/wire
- Keys
- Lids and cups - metal (e.g. from glass bottles, jars)
- Nuts and bolts
- Point cans (remove excess paint, let residue dry)
- Pet food cans
- Pipes
- Plumbing fixtures
- Pots and pans
- Propane/gas tanks* (empty, with valve off)
- Scrap metal*
- Screws and nails
- Sporting goods - metal
- Tools - metal
- Toys - metal
- Umbrellas - metal
- Utensils – metal
GLASS: Empty and rinse food and product containers.
- Beverage bottles
- Blue glass
- Broken glass
- Dish-ware glass
- Food jars
- Windows - uncoated/un-laminated
- Wine bottles
PAPER: Staples and tape are acceptable.
- Books - hardback and softback
- Carbonless paper (e.g. receipts)
- Cardboard – un-waxed (flattened)
- Cereal and cracker boxes (remove liners)
- Coffee cups - cardboard (e.g. from coffee shops)
- Juice boxes and cartons - non-aseptic
- Coupons
- Pizza delivery boxes - clean
- Shoe boxes
- Shredded paper (tie in clear plastic bog)
- Telephone books
- Tissue paper (e.g. gift wrap, dry cleaning)
- White office computer paper
- Magazines and catalogs
- Mailers - cardboard (e.g. FedEx, UPS)
- Newspaper - clean (including inserts)
- Paper bogs
- Paper cups and plates - clean, uncoated
- Photographs - photo paper
- Egg cartons - cardboard
- Envelopes (plastic window OK)
- Frozen food packaging - cardboard
- Gift wrap (no metallic/foil)
PLASTIC: Empty and rinse food and product containers.
- Auto parts - plastic (no fluids)
- Baby wipe containers
- Baskets - plastic
- Beverage bottles (e.g., soda, juices, water)
- Bleach and detergent bottles
- Buckets (remove metal handles)
- Coot hangers - plastic
- Coffee-cup lids
- Coolers*
- Crates - plastic
- Disposable razors
- Flower pots - plastic
- Food containers (e.g. cottage cheese, yogurt)
- Furniture* - plastic (e.g. choirs, tables)
- Gloves - rubber (not single-use or latex disposable)
- Hoses (e.g. car, garden, appliance)
- Household cleaner bottles (non-toxic)
- Mouthwash container
- Pet carriers*
- Pipe - plastic
- Plastics (with numbers 1-7)
- Prescription bottles (must be empty)
- Shampoo and conditioner bottles
- Shelving* - plastic
- Squeezable bottles (e.g. honey, mayo, ketchup)
- Swimming pools* (e.g. rigid, inflatable)
- Take-out food containers - plastic
- Toys - plastic
- Umbrellas - plastic (e.g. patio, beach)
FILM PLASTICS: Bundle in a clear plastic bog and knot the top.
- Bread bogs
- Bubble wrap
- Cellophane bogs (e.g. pasta, salad, cookies)
- Dry cleaning bogs
- Frozen food bogs or pouches
- Newspaper bogs
- Pallet wrap
- Plastic or wax liners (e.g. from food packaging)
- Plastic wraps
- Produce bogs
- Shopping bogs - plastic
- Shrink wrap
ELECTRONIC WASTE: Place these items inside your recyclables container.
- Appliances - small (e.g. coffee maker, toaster)
- Calculators
- Cameras
- Cell phones and chargers
- Computer mice
- Cords - tied up (e.g. telephone, computer)
- Keyboards
- PDAs
- Radios
- Telephones
ELECTRONIC WASTE: These items may be dropped off at the Alliance Residential Company office at 601 Thomas Ct., Marina.
- Computer monitor
- Computer tower (detach from computer monitor)
- DVRs, VCRs, DVD players
- Fox machines
- Laptop
- Microwave
- Printers
- Scanners
- Stereos
- Tablet
For additional information, please contact Alliance Residential Company at (831) 883-3150
*These are bulky items, call Alliance Residential Company at (831) 883-3150 to schedule a pick-up.
Please place all NON-reusable, NON-recyclable and Non-hazardous materials in your gray garbage container.
- Foil wrapped beverage pouches (e.g. Capri Sun}
- Aseptic containers (e.g. juice, soup, soy milk)
- Carbon paper
- Cardboard - waxed or soiled
- Compostable ware
- Envelopes (e.g. podded, Tyvek)
- Ice cream cartons
- Newspaper - dirty (paint, pet waste or food/grease)
- Paper cups and plates – coated
- Paper napkins
- Paper towels
- Photographs - Polaroid
- Pizza delivery boxes - soiled (food, grease)
- Take-out food containers (e.g. fast food)
- Thermal fox paper
- Tissues (e.g. Kleenex)
- Waxed paper
- Chip bags
- Credit cards
- Foil beverage pouches
- Gloves - latex (single-use and disposable)
- Pipe - PVC
- Rubber bands
- Shoes
- Straws
- Take-out food containers - polystyrene foam
- Tarps*
- Toothpaste and ointment tubes
- Utensils - plastic (e.g. spoons, forks, knives)
- Webbing/mesh (e.g. from lawn furniture)
- Cups and plates
- Egg cartons - molded foam
- Foam packing (e.g. from electronics)
- Meat trays - molded foam
- Peanuts packaging
- Take-out food containers - polystyrene foam
FABRIC/TEXTILES: Try donating first.
- Accessories (e.g. belts, purses)
- Boots and shoes
- Burlap
- Carpet and rugs
- Cotton
- Diapers - cloth or disposable
- Down - filled items
- Electric blankets
- Fabrics
- Leather goods
- Linen
- Pillows
- Polyester
- Rayon
- Rubber
- Stuffed animals
- Vinyl
- Wool
- Bones
- Bread
- Coffee grounds
- Dairy products (e.g. cheese)
- Diapers
- Dough
- Eggs
- Filters (e.g. coffee, tea)
- Fish and shellfish
- Fruit
- Grains (e.g. bean, rice)
- Meat
- Pasta
- Pet waste
- Poultry (e.g. chicken, turkey)
- Vegetables
- Audio tapes
- CDs and DVDs (e.g. computer, music)
- Speakers
- Video tapes
- Ceramics
- Cookware - glass (e.g. baking pans, Pyrex)
- Dish-ware - ceramic
- Eye glasses
- Glass art
- Incandescent light bulbs
- Mirrors
YARD WASTE (East Campus only): Items may not exceed 3 feet in length or 6 inches in diameter. For large amounts of theseitems, please contact Alliance Residential Company at (831) 883-3150.
- Ashes (hot ashes prohibited)
- Construction lumber (painted, treated)
- Crates - wood
- Dirt/Rocks
- Ice Plant
- Pampas grass
- Pet waste
- Poison oak
- Soil
- Tan bark
- Wood chips
- Wood waste
Note to Multi-family Apartments: All yard waste should be placed inside your garbage container. In addition to the items listed here, the yard waste materials listed on page 5 of this guide must also be placed in your garbage container.
YARD TRIMMINGS: Please place all yard trimmings inside your yard trimmings cart. All items must fit completely inside the cart with the lid closed. Items may not exceed 3' length or 6'' in diameter.
- Branches
- Cactus
- Flax
- Flowers
- Gross clippings
- Hoy
- Holiday trees (stand/decorations removed)
- Landscape vegetation
- Leaves
- Lumber (unpainted, untreated)
- Plant trimmings
- Row fruits and vegetables
- Sawdust
- Shrubs
- Small pruning
- Small stumps
- Sod (remove as much soil as possible)
- Tree trimmings
HAZARDOUS WASTE: These items cannot go into the garbage, recycling or yard waste container forcollection.
- Auto and broke fluids
- Car batteries
- Cleaning fluids
- Computers*
- Electronic waste* (except as listed in recyclables)
- Fire extinguishers
- Fluorescent light bulbs (e.g. CFLs, tubes)
- Fuel tanks - with valve on (e.g. helium, propane, gas tanks)
- Grease and cooking oil
- Household Batteries* (e.g. M, AM, D, nickel cadmium, lithium)
- Medicines (unused, expired)
- Mercury thermometers and thermostats
- Monitors*
- Motor oil*
- Oil filters*
- Points and stains (e.g. oil based and latex)
- Pesticides and fertilizers
- Pool and spa chemicals
- Solvents
- Syringes and sharps
- Televisions*
- Transmission fluid
For more information on collection or drop-off, please call the Monterey Regional Waste ManagementDivision Household Hazardous Waste Program at (831) 384-5313 or visit
*See information in Extra Services for collection options through Green Waste.
DONATION & REUSE: Please consider donating items that ore in good conditionto a local thrift store or other nonprofit organization. Many of these organizations hove convenientdrop-off locations and/or pick-up options and your donation may be tax deductible.
Last Chance Mercantile 14201 Del Monte Blvd. Marina, CA 93933
Tel: (831) 384-5313
GreenWaste is a proud supporter of the Lost Chance Mercantile in Marina. Most reusable itemscollected under GreenWaste's Bulky Item Reuse Collection Program will be delivered to the Lost ChanceMercantile.
(Currently available in the Dining Common, Otter Express, Library, Student Center, East Campus, Promontory, & Alumni Visitor Center and select campus events)
- Bones and shells
- Coffee grounds and filters
- Dairy (cheese)
- Grains (bread, rice, pasta, beans)
- Fruits and vegetables
- Meat and poultry
- Fish and seafood
- Table flowers
COMPOSTABLE FOOD WARES (must be certified "Compostable" by ASTM and/or BPI*).
- Compostable bowls
- Compostable cups
- Compostable cutlery
- Compostable packaging
- Compostable plastic bags
- Compostable plates