Community Groups Promoting Sustainability
Here is a sampling of several community groups that promote sustainability in our area. Visit their websites to learn more about their missions and how you can get involved.
Citizens for a Sustainable Monterey County
The goal of this organization is to enable communities to meet new challenges, decrease the use of fossil fuels and protect the environment. Within the Citizens for a Sustainable Monterey County there are Citizens for a Sustainable Seaside and Marina which focuses more on those cities. If you'd like to get involved with events or volunteer with any of these organizations please visit their website.
Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund
The purpose of the Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund is to "appreciate and inspire volunteers and professionals who participate in the conservation of the Monterey Bay's ecosystems." There are several events that take place throughout the local area that you can become involved in. Please visit Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund website for more information.
Return of the Natives
RON is an educational program designed for students from kindergarten to universities that involves students in habitat restoration. There are several volunteer opportunities for students and RON is conveniently located on campus in the Watershed Institute. Please visit the RON website for more information.
California Native Plant Society
The goal of CNPS is to preserve and protect California native plants and their habitats. CNPS offers many opportunities for people to volunteer in the local area and help preserve this beautiful land that surrounds us. To get involved or for more information please visit the CNPS website.
Ecology Action
Ecology Action’s mission is to “achieve community and environmental excellence through partnership and innovation since Earth Day 1970.” Get involved and volunteer at the different events Ecology Action hosts and learn about Monterey Bay and how you can make a difference. For more information, please visit the Ecology Action website.
Surfrider Foundation
Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit that is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people through conservation, activism, research and education. If you'd like to get involved with the local Monterey Chapter please visit the local Surfrider Foundation website.