Otter Cross Cultural Center

Stole Ceremonies Application is Open

The Stole Ceremonies, formerly Affinity Graduation Celebrations, are fast approaching and we are so excited to announce that the sign-up form is available!

We invite students to participate in the Spring 2023 Stole Ceremonies! The Stole Ceremonies honor the accomplishments and experiences of self-identifying CSUMB graduates from hxstorically underrepresented backgrounds. The celebrations are free of cost to graduates, their guests, and the campus community. These ceremonies offer keynote speakers, performances and cultural celebrations separate from CSUMB's Commencement. Graduates who register for the Stole Ceremonies will receive a stole and certificate for completing their participation.

There are nine CSUMB Stole Ceremonies for graduating students: 

  • Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA)  
  • Black/African Heritage
  • Chicanx/Latinx 
  • Family Friendly (students with children) 
  • Native American 
  • Students with Disabilities (SADE) 
  • Rainbow (LGBTQ+) 
  • Undocu-Otters (undocumented students) 
  • Veterans (U.S. Armed Forces)

Please Note: The deadline to sign up for all Stole Ceremonies is April 9, 2023 at midnight.

To learn more, visit Stole Ceremonies or email