Institutional Assessment and Research

CSUMB Experience Survey 2019

Due to the low response rate we are extending the deadline for completing the CSUMB Experience Survey, a survey of undergraduate degree-seeking students.

We are offering 20 $100 gifts as incentive. Winners will choose their own gift from Your odds of winning are 1 in 155, much higher than the lottery. The drawing will be held in early May.

We must receive at least 50% response rate in order to do this drawing. The survey requires just 10-15 minutes of your time. Take this opportunity to tell your university how you have experienced various CSUMB offerings. This is your university; please spare a few minutes to tell us how we are doing.

Note that your responses to all of the questions will remain confidential.

If you did not receive an invitation to participate but would like to be entered into the drawing, send a letter via inter-campus mail to Institutional Assessment and Research.

Utilization of past CSUMB experience survey findings

Students’ responses from previous CSUMB Experience Surveys have led to many improvements in academic and non-academic offerings, including the following:

  • Major requirements streamlined for all students
  • Degree pathways clarified for all students
  • Academic Advising centralized
  • FYS realigned with GE curriculum, so that students who take FYS are also earning GE credits
  • GE curriculum revised
  • Language requirement reduced by 1 semester (for all students subject to language requirement)
  • Transfer students in high-unit majors exempted from the language requirement
