Courses Overview
Courses - Academic Planning Database (APDB)
2024 Fall
State-Supported Sessions Only
10 Most Highly Enrolled Courses by Student Credit Units
10 Most Highly Enrolled Classes by Student Credit Units Student Credit Hours Attempted MATH 130 1,880 HCOM 110 1,620 FYS 191 1,305 CHEM 109 1,218 KIN 161 1,206 HCOM 125 1,137 HCOM 200 1,083 ENVS 201 956 BUS 304 948 STAT 100 912 Class Size Distributions
Class Size Distributions Section Count % 1 48 3.6% 2 - 9 140 10.4% 10 - 19 221 16.3% 20 - 29 412 30.5% 30 - 39 367 27.1% 40 - 49 100 7.4% 50 - 99 46 3.4% 100+ 18 1.3% Student FTEs by College
College Student FTEs % College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences 2,251 33.6% College of Science 2,169 32.3% College of Health Sciences & Human Services 828 12.3% College of Business 799 11.9% College of Education 618 9.2% University College 42 0.6% Student / Faculty Ratio by College
College Student Faculty Ratio College of Business 35 College of Health Sciences & Human Services 31 University College 30 College of Science 30 College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences 28 College of Education 23
Source: Campus Data Warehouse. Academic Planning Database (APDB) Overview.
All data are based on Census data extracted for the Chancellor's Office at State census.