Human Resources

EQ: Relationship Management

April 24, 2023

The final domain of Emotional Intelligence is Relationship Management. Bola Owade states, in his Medium article, "Six Actions for Developing Relationship Management",

"Relationship Management is about being able to bond with others successfully, manage conflict, handle group situations well, and develop productive relationships."

Bola Owade lists the following actions to develop our Relationship Management:

  1. Stay open and curious
  2. Show appreciation and humility
  3. Respond to feedback with a learning mindset
  4. Work to build trust with people
  5. Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging feelings
  6. Show you care

As we head toward the annual review cycle, leveraging these six actions will benefit the employee and employer. Action three reinforces the concept that feedback is a gift. Responding to feedback with a learning mindset may help you receive it as a positive, even when the feedback may lean toward the negative. Watch this space next month for more content on giving and receiving feedback.