Human Resources

Emotional Intelligence & Self-awareness

April 3, 2023

Last month, we began learning about Emotional Intelligence and its connection to Intellectual Curiosity (Curiosity Quotient). Both EQ and CQ are vital skills for professional success and personal growth. The pearls for this month will take a deeper dive into what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can develop it.

Daniel Goleman and Richard E. Boyatzis, in the HBR article "Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?" define the four domains of Emotional Intelligence as:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship management

To have self-awareness, you must develop the ability to recognize your emotions and how they impact your behavior. The Institute for Health and Human Potential has a free online assessment to test your EQ. 

To learn more about self-awareness, visit the article, "First Pillar of Emotional Intelligence: Self-Awareness" from Jennifer Askey.

Take the Skillsoft Emotional Intelligence & Tact Skill Benchmark if you have more time. Don’t worry about not getting all the answers correct. These skill benchmarks gauge your knowledge and provide curated content to help you grow.