CSUMB students can use the Advising Portal to schedule appointments with Academic, Career, or Success Advisors.
Current and Prospective students can meet with an advisor via Zoom drop-in advising.
Zoom Drop-in Advising | March 10 to March 21
If you are considering changing majors or adding a minor, Zoom Drop-in Advising is the best way to start that process.
Alumni or prospective students can also meet with major advisors during Zoom drop-in advising. Use the link above to find the times and Zoom link for your major.
See our Academic Advising page for more information, or call 831-582-3937 if you have difficulty scheduling an appointment.
Undergraduate Academic Advisors
(use the internal scroll bar to see the full listing)
and Related MinorsAdvisor
CSUMB email @csumb.edu
Agricultural Plant and Soil Sciences Abbie Richer, M.A. aricher Biology
BIO minor
CHEM minorAbbie Richer, M.A. aricher Business Administration
BUS minorkecollins
erverduzcoCinematic Arts & Technology
CART minornbolanos
Collaborative Health & Human Services
Community Health Education minor
Environmental Health Policy minor
International Health Policy minor
Nonprofit Management minor
Social Work minorTeresa Nieves Espinoza, M.A. tnieves Communication Design
CD minorNaomi Dimas Bolanos, M.A. nbolanos Computer Science
CS minordlupisan
Computer Science Online Kayla Rolicheck kayrolicheck Environmental Science, Tech & Policy
Environmental Science minorMeg Austin, M.Ed. maustin Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies minorCrystal Zavala, M.Ed. czavala Ethnic and Gender Studies
EGS minorDenise Esparza, M.S. deesparza Global Studies
GS minorVictor N. Gonzales vgonzales Human Development & Family Science
HDFS minorJessica Hernandez, M.Ed. jessihernandez Humanities & Communication
and minors in:
Chicanx Studies
Creative Writing and Social Action
Ethnic and Gender Studies
Humanities and Communication
Journalism and Media Studies
Peace Studies
Writing and RhetoricDenise Esparza, M.S. deesparza Japanese Language & Culture
Japanese Culture & History minor
Japanese Language & Culture minortnieves Kinesiology
Health and Wellness minor
Human Movement minorTeresa Salters, M.A. tsalters Liberal Studies (Traditional pathway)
Education minor
Human Development minorjessihernandez
Liberal Studies | Integrated Teacher Education (ITEP) jessihernandez
Marine Science maustin
MATH minor
STAT minor
Data Science minorJessica Herrera, M.A. jessiherrera Mechatronics Engineering
Crystal Zavala, M.Ed. czavala Music
Music MinorJessica Herrera, M.A. jessiherrera Nursing aerikson
Psychology minorChrissy Lofgren, M.S.
Jessica Herrera, M.A.clofgren
jessiherreraSocial & Behavioral Sciences
Anthropology minor
Global Studies minor
Sociology minorVictor N. Gonzales vgonzales Sociology
Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures
Hispanic Cultures and History minor
Latin American Studies minor
Spanish Lang & Hispanic Cult minortnieves
STAT minor
MATH minor
Data Science minorJessica Herrera, M.A. jessiherrera Sustainable Hospitality & Tourism Management
BUS minorKerry Collins, M.A. kecollins Undeclared Naomi Dimas Bolanos, M.A. nbolanos Visual and Public Art
VPA minorNaomi Dimas Bolanos, M.A. nbolanos Graduate and Credential Advisors should be contacted directly (email is recommended). The Advising Center does not schedule appointments with them.
Contact information for Graduate and Credential Advisors. All emails are @csumb.edu unless noted. Major Email (@csumb.edu) Program Website Teaching Credential Programs teachmb https://csumb.edu/teach Education, M.A. teachmb https://csumb.edu/educationma Environmental Science, M.S. aes_office https://csumb.edu/environmentalscience Instructional Science & Technology, M.S. mist https://csumb.edu/mist Marine Science, M.S. mlml-info@sjsu.edu https://mlml.sjsu.edu Master of Business Administration, M.B.A. MBA https://mba.csumb.edu Master of Social Work, M.S.W. MSW https://csumb.edu/socialwork School Psychology, M.S. teachmb https://csumb.edu/schoolpsychology Speech Language Pathology, M.S. teachmb https://csumb.edu/slp Career Advisors specialize in an occupational cluster; see the table below to find the right Career Advisor to match your goals.
Phone: 831-582-3937
Contact information for career Advisors. Occupational Grouping CSUMB majors Advisor Name & email
@csumb.eduMedical, Health, Human, and Family Sciences
- Medical/Pre-Health Pathways
- Biology (Molecular only)
- Kinesiology
- Collaborative Health & Human Services
- Human Development & Family Science
Jenny Martinez, M.A. jennymartinez
Earth Sciences and Mathematics - Agricultural Plant and Soil Science
- Biology (Ecology only)
- Environmental Science (BS)
- Environmental Science (Masters)
- Environmental Studies
- Marine Science (BS)
- Marine Science (Masters)
- Mathematics
- Statistics
Lauren Knottek, M.S.W. and LMSW
lknottekComputer Science, Engineering,
Business, and Undecided- Undeclared
- Business Administration (BS)
- Communication Design
- Computer Science
- Instructional Science & Technology (Masters)
- Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
- Music & Recording Technology
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Sustainable Hospitality & Tourism Management
Marc Garcia, M.S.
marcgarcia2Arts, Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences - Cinematic Arts
- Education (Masters)
- Ethnic and Gender Studies
- Global Studies
- Humanities and Communication
- Japanese Language and Culture
- Liberal Studies
- School Psychology (Masters)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Social Work (Masters)
- Sociology
- Spanish Language Hispanic Cultures
- Speech-Language Pathology (Masters)
- Teaching Credential
- Visual and Public Arts
Shaun Levy, M.S.
- Psychology
Daisy Moore, M.Ed.
daimooreCurrently enrolled students are assigned a Success Advisor based on their major, and can schedule appointments using the Advising Portal on their CSUMB dashboard.
In addition, students who are part of one of the College Support Programs (such as EOP, TRIO, CAMP, Guardian Scholars, or Undocu-Success) will meet with their success/retention advisor for that program.
Re-entry students can contact the Returning Student Success Advisor, Lamberto Figueroa-Trujillo, M.Ed., for additional support.
Scroll down to see the full list of advisors and majors.
Student Success Advisor
@csumb.eduAgricultural Plant and Soil Sciences Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Biology Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Business Administration Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Cinematic Arts & Technology Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Collaborative Health & Human Services Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Communication Design Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Computer Science Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Computer Science Online Kayla Rolicheck krolicheck Environmental Science, Technology & Policy Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Environmental Studies Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Ethnic and Gender Studies Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Global Studies Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Human Development & Family Science Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Humanities & Communication Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Japanese Language & Culture Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Kinesiology Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Liberal Studies Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Liberal Studies (ITEP) Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Marine Science Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Mathematics Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Mechatronics Engineering Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Music Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Nursing TBD TBD Psychology Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Social & Behavioral Sciences Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Sociology Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Statistics Jesus Clemente, M.A. jclemente Sustainable Hospitality & Tourism Management Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed Undeclared nbolanos
Visual and Public Art Tasneem Mohamed M.S. tmohamed The Transfer Student Success Center (TSSC) is located the Student Center, Building 12, room 121.
Transfer Success Center Staff Roles and Contact Information. All emails are @ csumb.edu Title Name Email csumb.edu Phone Transfer Success Coordinator
Welcome Back Otter Re-entry Student Support*
Lamberto Figueroa-Trujillo, M.Ed lfigueroa 831-582-3937 Center for Advising and Student Success is located in Library 3180.
Title, Name, and Contact Information for CASS Administrative and Support Staff.
All emails are @ csumb.edu.Role Name Phone Interim Director for Academic Advising and Student Success Gladys Cabadas, M.P.A. 831-582-3940 Administrative Support Coordinator Michelle Balderas 831-582-4466 Advising Analyst Caroline Fantone 831-582-5061