Academic Support Services
Cooperative Learning Center
The Cooperative Learning Center is a free tutoring service open to all students. They provide assistance with writing, math, science, languages, technology and English for multilingual speakers.

Center for Advising, Career and Student Success
The Center for Advising, Career and Student Success helps students understand academic requirements, provide assistance in choosing a career, and offer resources and skill development when academic difficulties arise.

Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library
The Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library collections (print and digital) provide students the resources they need for their studies and a committed team of librarians who help students locate and evaluate information.
Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC)
SDR assists students who have learning, mobility, vision and/or psychological disabilities; are deaf or hard of hearing; have other chronic medical conditions that result in disability; and those with temporary disabilities.
Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar oversees class enrollment, student record keeping, grading procedures, academic standing, and graduation. They also provide veteran's services.
Educational Opportunity Program
The Educational Opportunity Program helps students who have the potential to succeed in college, but who have struggled to meet their goals because of economic and/or educational background. They provide support with the transition to college, ongoing advising and academic support, and grants to qualifying students.

Migrant Student Support Services
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) supports migrant and seasonal farmworker first-time freshmen. CAMP provides academic advising and other support services to help students successfully complete their first year of college.

Trio Student Support Services
TRiO Student Support Services provides supplemental tutoring, advising, counseling, remediation and other support services to first generation low-income college students.

Guardian Scholars Program
The Guardian Scholars Program helps meet the unique needs of students who have a foster youth background. CSUMB recognizes that these students often have overcome more obstacles, have less support, and fewer resources than most entering students.