Monterey Institute for English Learners

Monterey Institute for English Learners

para información en Español

The Monterey Institute for English Learners (MIEL) was established in 2018, with support from the Taylor Farms Foundation, for the purpose of promoting equitable and effective practices for educators serving English Learners in the greater Monterey County area. Through establishing transformative collaborations with schools and districts, MIEL seeks to develop research on best practices for working with English Learners, provide professional development for professional working with English Learners in the field, and continue to support the preparation of preservice educational professionals at CSUMB.

Why It Matters

Within the greater Monterey County area, there exists a great need for supports for our English Learner students. Of the almost 80,000 students in the County, almost 40% are classified as English Learners and 70% of students are identified as economically disadvantaged. Based on data from the Bright Futures Collective Impact Initiative, only 3% of our English Learners are meeting or exceeding grade level standards in math and only 5% are meeting or exceeding grade level standards in English language arts. Also, only 3% of English Learners complete A-G requirements to make them eligible to attend college. Given this, It is imperative to support the educational needs of English Learners in our County utilizing best practices and innovative research.


  • Engage in innovative research to support the needs of English Learners/Emergent Bilinguals
  • Be a hub for generating and disseminating information on best practices for working with English Learners
  • Provide professional development for teachers that incorporate evidence-based practices
  • Support preparation of pre-service education professionals at CSUMB
  • Engage in transformative and ongoing collaborations with school sites and districts in the greater Monterey County area


As MIEL develops, partnerships with school districts within the greater Monterey County area will be established to assist districts in creating equitable and sustainable educational opportunities for their English Learner students.


Initial funding to launch the Monterey Institute for English Learners was generously donated by the Taylor Farm Family Foundation. MIEL is continually seeking additional funding sources. To learn about the Director of M.I.E.L, please click here.

Contact Information

Monterey Institute for English Learners (M.I.E.L)
Department of Education and Leadership, California State University, Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center, Del Mar, Bldg. 3
Seaside, CA  93955
