Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Faculty Information About Student Accommodations

Alternative testing requires the most coordination between the faculty and the student. Different types of accommodations may be suggested based on the academic environment, the course objectives, and the abilities of the student.

At the beginning of the semester, as well as prior to each quiz/test/exam during the semester, invite students with a testing accommodation to meet to discuss how their testing accommodation will be fulfilled.

Faculty have two alternative testing options based on the timing of the test accommodation, the student’s extended time request and any technical needs. 

  • Faculty administered testing: The faculty or someone from their department will be administering the quiz/test/exam. The faculty is responsible to ensure this meets the student's full accommodation needs, and the student confirms this is accepted vs having the test at the Test Center.
  • Test Center administered testing: Faculty may request that the Test Center administer the quiz/test/exam, which is done through RegisterBlast. All requests must be made at least a week in advance, and the test information provided to the Test Center and available to the student no later than 3 business days before the exam takes place.  The Test Center provides an alternative testing space where students may complete exams with extra supervised time, in an environment with reduced distractions.