Week 2 - You Otter Be Prepared Tips

Photo by: FEMA https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1565714166197-c7d37f1bb3c0ecb4cde1d156c0f5822b/1024x512_post2.png
Take classes in life saving skill, such as CPD/AED and first aid to help others.
It is National Preparedness Month. The following tips are intended to help you become a more resilient community member.
Learning a new skill is a great way to become better prepared. Practicing the skills you have already learned is also important. Take advantage of the following training opportunities:
- CSUMB UPD offers training opportunities to the campus community. Officers provide Active Shooter Preparedness presentations to campus departments, upon request, by emailing upd@csumb.edu.
- UPD offers fire prevention training and trains community members just how to use a fire extinguisher. To arrange this training for your department, email eoc@csumb.edu.
- You can also register for free AED/CPR courses, which are offered each month.
- Improve your personal safety preparedness by taking the Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Systems self-defense course.
Make sure to visit our main page for access to more information and resources. "Be PREPARED, NOT Scared".