University Police

Week 1- You Otter Be Prepared Tips

Have enough food, water and meds to last for at least 3 to 7 days. Build a Kit.
Photo by: FEMA National Preparedness Week 2019
Build a Kit

It is National Preparedness Month. The following tips are intended to help you become a more resilient community member. 

In order to continue to serve the CSUMB campus in an emergency, you must first help yourself and your family. Be informed, make a plan, and build a kit.

The campus informs our community about emergencies in several ways, but make sure you have signed up for emergency notifications, through the Otter Alert program.

To learn more about emergency procedures in an emergency, visit the UPD Emergency Procedures website.

Take the time to watch the CSUMB Active Shooter Video, "Run, Hide, Fight".

Visit our main page for access to more information and resources. "Be PREPARED, NOT Scared".