Classes and Planning

Before you register

We want your online registration experience to be positive and efficient. There are steps you can take now that will help you be ready to register on the day of your enrollment appointment.

  1. Talk with your advisor by making an appointment to meet with your advisor, or visit drop-in advising. Your advisor can provide course recommendations and help ensure you stay on-track toward your degree. 
  2. Monitor your progress toward degree by reviewing your academic requirements report. This OASIS report shows you which degree requirements you have met, are in progress, or are needed. 
  3. Plan your degree completion path using the degree pathways or My Learning Plan. Degree pathways provide a suggested roadmap to complete your degree in four years. My Learning Plan, an OASIS degree planner, personalizes the roadmap as it helps you create a four year pathway to degree completion.
  4. Plan your class schedule using the schedule of classes or the schedule planner. The schedule of classes allows you to search for available classes by term, subject, course number, GE/UR attributes, times, days, and instructors. The schedule planner allows you to enter the courses you need to take and  block time when you aren't available. It uses that information to give you every possible schedule based on your selections. You can then use the course numbers provided to register for classes.