
Library Instruction

Is Journal Peer-Reviewed?

Limit searches to peer-reviewed/scholarly journals

Most of the online databases to which the Library subscribes offer the ability to limit a search to scholarly or peer-reviewed journals using a check box or menu option. You can limit either the initial search or the displayed results.

These databases include ONLY Peer-reviewed journals:

Annual Reviews Backfile

Biological Abstracts

Project MUSE Journals


Science Direct (Elsevier)

SpringerLink Journals

Wiley Interscience Journals

You may also search for peer-reviewed articles across all of the library databases:

Working from an article citation from another source:

If you are investigating a journal from an existing article citation, go to the List of Journal Titles and search on the journal name. The Journals List will often include information on whether that journal is peer-reviewed or not. When searching for names of journals using the Journals List, you may also limit your search to those that are peer-reviewed.

Consult the Library's Subject Research Guides for recommendations on which databases to use for research projects.