2023 Grad Slam is ON!

March 7, 2023
Kali Prescott, Kameron Strickland, Travis Leggett, Isaak Haberman, Katrina Giambertone, Savannah Saldana and Anna Herrera are now semifinalists in the prestigious Grad Slam competition, which is the UC and CSU version of the globally popular three-minute thesis. Their presentations cover a wide range of topics, including global environmental issues related to corals, urchins, kelp, river ecology and chemistry, and new technology related to tracking elephant seals and marine fish monitoring.
Their presentations will demonstrate the high level of research being conducted at CSUMB. We encourage everyone to follow their progress and attend the finals, which will be held on April 6 from 12:00 to 1:00 on Zoom. Let's cheer on our competitors as they compete for a chance to represent CSUMB at the State-wide competition—to be held on Zoom on May 6. Mark your calendars!